110 Andrew Fogliato Of Just Sell Homes Talks Tech & Strategy

August 23, 2017 00:35:51
110  Andrew Fogliato Of Just Sell Homes Talks Tech & Strategy
Mail-Right Show | Real Estate Agents | Real Estate Agent | Online Marketing |
110 Andrew Fogliato Of Just Sell Homes Talks Tech & Strategy

Aug 23 2017 | 00:35:51


Show Notes

Andrew, founded Just Sell Homes in July of 2015. Why? Because he was asked to!

When I was selling real estate I had a mentor. He taught me a lot about the business. I also taught myself a lot of the digital side of the business which he was not familiar with. The more I learned about it the more people came to me with questions. Which eventually led to me accepting an offer to train agents across North America with one of the big brands.

Then my former mentor came back to me. Asked if I could help him evaluate some website providers. So I said “Of course”. When showing him the options he eventually just said “Can I just hire you to do this for me?”

Then the idea behind Just Sell Homes was born and a few months later it launched!

As much as I enjoyed being a real estate agent, I love the digital marketing side of the real estate business even more. It’s where my true passion is.

When I’m not running Just Sell Homes I’m spending time with my kick-ass wife, our daughter Hannah, our two dogs, and playing basketball as much as possible.

I also spend a lot of time trying to make myself an even better digital marketer. That’s why I take courses, like the Hubspot Certified Inbound Marketer course. I don’t think one person can ever know everything but that doesn’t mean I can’t try to!

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