How To Develop Effective Online Lead Generating Systems: The Easy Way!
Kevin and his team are in the works of developing a “SmartAgent” system. With more realtors moving towards smart systems in their businesses, Kevin wants to help teach them how to do it for themselves (it’s a heck of a lot easier than you think)!
This is a lead generation system specifically designed for agents to assists in the collection and nurturing of leads (in both buying and selling homes)
In this episode of the Mail-Right RE Agent Podcast Show #099, we have a fantastic chat with San Diego Surfer, Contractor, Real Estate Broker...
In this episode we look at three great real estate online lead generation management tools for you the real estate professional. Both of us...
We Dig Deep & Review IDX Broker IDX stands for Information Data Exchange. According to Robert, several IDX alternatives exist, including IDX Showcase and...