Why influence Is so Important Connected to Online Marketing
Josh Elledge is an adult man with a child-like, irrational fear of umbrellas. You could ask him to explain–but if he could–it wouldn’t be an irrational fear, now would it? A nice midwestern boy from Michigan, Josh also used to be fat. Not just chubby, or the owner of a now-trendy “dad bod,” but seriously overweight (ask to see his old drivers’ license photo). Ever the problem solver, he lost 55 lbs through ‘the couponing diet’ and now he enjoys going to restaurants that serve chicken waffles and biscuits, and ordering the salad. Just to test his mental toughness.
Josh is a serial entrepreneur who builds the companies he needs most in the world. In 2014, He launched UpMyInfluence (previously upendPR) to help entrepreneurs like himself attract the perfect audiences and grow their brands without the crazy costs and contracts associated with traditional PR companies. Since then, UpMyInfluence (UMI) has evolved into a purpose-driven platform bent on totally DEMOCRATIZING access to influence. Josh wholeheartedly believes UMI has a moral imperative to help entrepreneurs own their expertise, share their wisdom, and serve the world with their collective messages. Oh, and to help our members grow revenue too!
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We discuss how new real agents should consider doing a local podcast which will increase agent local brand and also is a great way...