#320 Mail-Right Show What's Going To Be The Top Digital Tips & Trends For 2022?
Real Estate Agents What's Going To Be The Top Tips & Trends Connected to Successful Digital Marketing For 2022?
In the show, we going to discuss what's going to be the top tips & trends connected to digital marketing for 2022? We start with an easy video that is going to just grow and grow in importance connected to all successful digital marketing connected to the real estate industry in 2022. We also discuss the changes we have both seen with SEO and Facebook.
#1 - Video is still going be the biggest and growing content that gets you leads linked to YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram
#2 - Mobile grows connected to the domination of search and consumption
#3 - Facebook paid advertisement has changed (after iOS 14 & 15) so to get results you need to look at using these particular sub-areas.
a) - Facebook Lead ads
b) - Facebook retargeting ads
c) - Facebook custom audiences (only you have a good email list)
#4 - Instagram and Video with (Instagram stories)
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