Why a CRM is One of The Most Important Tools You Need if You Are in Sales? We have a great interivew with Randy Tobbe from LionDesk a CRM designed for real estate agent and brokers.
At LionDesk, we are serious about building tools to help real estate professionals close more deals. Our team is constantly innovating and creating cutting edge systems that allow you to spend more of your time talking to the client and less time wondering who and when to follow up
We discuss what we think will be the most effective digital marketing tools and strategies you the real estate agent or broker can use...
How Google Updates Have Affected Real Estate 2012 thru 2022 How Google Updates have affected Real Estate 2012 thru 2022 is a primary concern...
We talk about retargeting Facebook adverts and how to build and develop them so they really work! You don't have the time, budget, team...