Peter is a product-focused entrepreneur who has started four companies, all of which were acquired. I am now working on my fifth, called yaza.
My expertise covers all aspects of designing, building, launching, growing and monetizing great products, designing and scaling organizations to support those products, and making them profitable.
I volunteer my time mentoring startup founders at the European Innovation Academy and StartOut Growth Lab, where during my tenure we graduated 24 companies that together have closed more than $45M in funding and created more than 200 new jobs.
I studied computer science at Cornell, have a masters degree in CSAI (Computer Science Artificial Intelligence) from Stanford, and an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.
Outside of work, I am a passionate world traveler. I've flown more than 4 million miles and visited over 30 countries. My terrestrial adventures have taken me from 150 feet below sea level diving in Palau to 18,000 feet above trekking in Nepal.
I believe that entrepreneurship provides a path to economic self-empowerment that doesn't require people to "fit in" with the traditional corporate grind. It offers a path to success and fulfillment for dreamers, big thinkers, innovators and creative people who want to have an impact on the world.
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