#410- Mail-Right Show: Redfin: Devil Incarnate or Saintly Enterprise?

November 21, 2023 00:32:56
#410- Mail-Right Show:  Redfin: Devil Incarnate or Saintly Enterprise?
Mail-Right Show | Real Estate Agents | Real Estate Agent | Online Marketing |
#410- Mail-Right Show: Redfin: Devil Incarnate or Saintly Enterprise?

Nov 21 2023 | 00:32:56


Show Notes

Uncover the truth about Redfin in this thought-provoking show that delves into whether it is a devil incarnate or a saintly enterprise. Gain valuable knowledge about how Redfin operates and its impact on real estate markets, then decide for yourself which side of the debate you stand on. Don't miss out—now, to gain a deeper understanding of this contentious topic.

WeWork - Adam Neumann | Redfin CEO and Founder - Glenn Kelman


NAR Lawsuit Review + Follow Up Boss / Zillow Acquisition Data Implications w/ Adam Pugh


#1 - Redfin has existed for 20 years. It has yet to be a profitable enterprise.

#2 - Even during 2021, the most extraordinary of boom years, the company lost $109.6 million.

#3 - Making payroll every two weeks for over 2,000 agents is a sobering reality. And while Redfin has referred out the business to “partner agents” for years and recently announced a goal to send 50% of its leads to such non-Redfin agents, a path to profitability has remained hard to discern.

#4 - Redfin CEO and Founder - Glenn Kelman

The estimated Net Worth of Glenn Kelman is at least $41.6 Million dollars as of 9 November 2023. Mr. Kelman owns over 211,111 units of Redfin Corp stock worth over $7,496,727, and over the last 5 years, he sold RDFN stock worth over $33,022,650. In addition, he makes $1,082,280 as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director at Redfin Corp.

#5 - The future of Redfin?

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