The Changing World of SEO In 2024 & What You Need to Know!
With Special Guest Brandon Leibowitz of
Mastering SEO in 2024: Essential Tips & Tricks That Real Estate Agents Need to Know to be Successful in an Ever-Changing Online Environment!
Ready to take your real estate business to new heights? Dive into our must-watch video on Mastering SEO in 2024 for real estate agents! Explore crucial tips and tricks designed to keep you competitive in an ever-changing digital world. From optimizing local listings to building backlinks, this show covers it all. Elevate your online visibility and drive more traffic toward success.
#1 - Brandon, can you give the audience some info on your background and how you got involved in the semi-crazy world of SEO?
#2 - What are a couple of the leading things you think real estate agents and brokers need to understand connected to SEO in 2024?
#3 - Can you give us a couple of mistakes people make regularly connected to SEO?
#4 - Can you provide one or two case studies of how you have recently helped individuals or companies?
#5 - How will AI change real estate SEO in the next 18 months?
#6 - If you had your time machine (H. G. Wells) and could travel back to the beginning of your career and business journey, what essential piece of advice would you give yourself?
Brandon Leibowitz
The Hosts of The Mail-Right Show
Jonathan Denwood and Adam Brown
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